Thursday, April 27, 2006


As I sit here at work, struggling to keep my eyes open because of all the late night studying this past week, I am remembering some of the funny things that happened during finals. Here are some funny finals moments:

Two guys were walking towards the testing center and one said to the other, " Get your game face on!"

Waiting to look at my score I hear the guy next to me say underneath his breath, "Sh**!!". I thought, "That can't be good."

While taking a test, one of the stars of the men's volleyball team, Victor Batista, trys to get past me. In the process he manages to stick his miniature butt on his ginormously tall body in my face. It's just too bad it wasn't Keena Young or Curtis Brown.

I never knew where the "stacks" were at the Harold B. Lee Library. Well, I found them this week. One day, I was studying on the 5th floor on the back wall and I took a break to make a phone call. As I was walking towards the stairs, I glanced down this aisle only to find a couple laying on the ground, making out. Did I stare? You bet I did. Did I laugh out loud? Yup. And I did the same thing as I walked back. I immediately texted my friends to tell them that I finally found the stacks. Not that I ever plan to take advantage of this new found knowledge, but if I ever need to, now I know where they are.

One thing I always find funny is when people just take naps in the middle of their finals. They just collapse there and sleep, mid-test. I just don't think I could do that. I hate the testing center. I don't like being there awake, let alone asleep where I know that everyone could see me. And I know they'd be able to hear me if I were to do anything embarrassing in my sleep. But I guess if you're tired, then you're tired and you need to sleep. Also, I only want to be there for the necessary amount of time. No need to extend that by taking a little nappy in the middle of it.

These weren't the only funny moments during finals and they don't even seem that funny now that I think about it but at the time, they were funny.

One thing about the end of the school year that was quite irritating was how everyone was hooking up. There are approximately 15 couples within my ward, 5 of which have hooked up in the past 2 weeks. I don't understand it. Why do they wait until everyone is leaving for summer break? What is the point? Although, one of my good friends did go on a date last night with the boy that she has liked for a while now. I am so excited for her but I can't help but think the guy is an idiot for waiting until the night before she leaves to go home. Why? I mean, they will be on opposite sides of the country for 4 months. Oh well, I guess. Hopefully something will be able to happen when they get back for school in the fall.

In the end, all I can say is that I'm grateful that school is over. It's a bittersweet feeling though because some of my best friends are leaving for summer, some are already gone. I will definitely miss them. Summer will still be fun though. At least I hope so. I'm no longer going to Hawaii so I've got to get a head start on my tan. One thing I am praying for this summer is normal weather. But I'm in Utah so that means it probably isn't going to happen.

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