Thursday, March 09, 2006

But seriously...

The other night I watched Monday's episode(s) of "24". Holy crap. That's all I can really say. It was on for 2 whole hours and it was awesome. The ending was quite dramatic and I can hardly wait until next weeks episode. A long time character who I really liked died and it was pretty sad. The previews for next week make it seem like someone else important is going to die. Of course it can't be Jack so the question is, who is it going to be? Buchanon? I wouldn't care that much although I think he is an important character and does a good job at directing CTU. Audrey?I hope not. I want her and Jack to hook up again. But she might be expendable. Chloe? I have come to love Chloe and would be quite upset if she died. I also don't know if they will be able to stop the terrorists while they are stuck in the situation room if she's not there. Especially since Edgar died. Kim? Could be. She's not a regular character anymore so they could just kill her off. But that would surely do Jack in. He would be devastated. I don't know if they'll do that to him. Curtis? Possibly. I like him, so I hope not, but it's a very good possibility. Lynn McGill? I pray that it's him. He's a weiner and I don't like him. And if it's not him then the only other person is Tony. And if it's Tony I will be very very upset. The thing is that Tony doesn't have anything else to live for since Michelle is dead. There will be a lot of dissappointed fans if Tony dies. That, I know.


Sarah C. said...
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Sarah C. said...

I removed that post because I spelled something wrong. EEk! I was so embarassed.

Anyway, it was supposed to say.

Oh Tara! The joy that you bring to me. I love your in-depth analysis. Very well put.