Monday, March 27, 2006

R.I.P. Tony Almeida & Kevin Federline's Music Career

Last night I heard K-fed's(as someone has unfortunately nicknamed Kevin
Federline)new I guess you could call it. This was the song
that was suppose to prove to the world that he actually has some sort of
talent. This is what I say to that- HA HA HA HA HA!!! Is he joking? Is
this actually the song he chose to prove that he is talented? I don't
even remember what it was called. I couldn't tell you one word from the
song. It left no impression on me except for that it made me want to
throw up. In fact, I think I may have a little in my mouth. Even with
hardly any talent at all you'd think that with Britney Spears as your
wife you'd at least get some advice as to what song you should choose as
your first single. Although Britney has become pretty trashy so who
knows, she probably likes it. I remember a few years back when Britney
came out with the movie "Crossroads". She was dating Justin Timberlake
at the time and at one of the premieres a reporter asked Justin what he
thought of the movie. Being the wonderful, amazing boyfriend that he
is(I know from experience), he told them that it was great. That Britney
was a great actress. Basically, he lied to their faces. I'm guessing
that Britney took on that role as the wife in this situation. Either
that or she has really bad taste in music. Really, the only thing I can
think right now is poor poor Sean Preston. That poor kid.

So the countdown awaits to tonights episode of "24". Is Audrey really a
traitor? I totally didn't see that one coming. If she is, she should
know what's coming to her. She's seen Jack in action and when he thinks
someone is lying to him, he doesn't hold back. Can't wait to see it

The truth is, I am still living in denial about Tony Almeida dying. He's
cheated death so many times I just keep thinking maybe he's going to
come back to life. I'm afraid that it's not going to happen this time.
After all, this isn't "Alias". I'm certainly going to miss him. He was my
favorite character and the show just won't be the same without him.
Luckily I was watching that episode with a group of people so my eyes
only welled up with tears. If I had been watching alone, I probably
would've cried like a baby. All I have to say is Jack better avenge his
death along with Michelle's and President Palmer's. If anyone can do it, it's Jack Bauer and I trust that he will do just that.

1 comment:

Sarah C. said...

So, tell me...what was your relationship with Justin like? I've been dying to know!

Someday I'll have to tell you all about my convos with Colin.