Wednesday, April 05, 2006

If you are bored enough...

I received this in an e-mail and did it while I was bored at work. So here ya go.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Dialer at Western Wats - One of the worst jobs ever invented. I only
lasted about 2 months before I took a leave of absence and never went
2. Marketing Team Member for Hogi Yogi- Walking around all summer in the
90 degree heat- I did not glisten, I sweat like a pig.
3. Hogi Yogi- who knew making sandwiches could be so fun. Yeah right. At
least there were semi-fun people there to work with.
4. Accounts Payables Clerk at Clyde Companies- I can describe this job
in 2 words. Lonely and boring.

4 movies I would watch over and over:
1. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days - Matthew McConahey. Enough said.
2. Dumb and Dumber- do I really need to explain why?
3. Save the Last Dance- I don't know why I like this movie so much, I
really don't.
4. Remember the Titans- Denzel is great.

Four places I have lived:
1. Provo, Ut
2. Orem, Ut
3. Provo, Ut
4. I'll tell you one thing, the next place I live won't be in the
Provo/Orem area

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. 24 - Even with Tony gone I can't stop watching it. It's SO good and
SO addicting.
2. Friends - I've seen every episode multiple times and it still makes
me laugh.
3. Felicity - One of the best shows ever. Not to mention Ben Covington
and Noel Crane. Hello dreamboats!
4. What Not to Wear - Stacy and Clinton are great. I just wish someone
would nominate me for the show so I could meet them. The $5000 wardrobe
would also be a great bonus.

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Florida/Bahamas - It didn't stop raining until we got to the Bahamas
but it was an awesome trip.
2. New York, NY - If I could live there, I would. I love it there.
Defintetly one of my most favorite trips.
3. Washington D.C.- I got to experience this great place with my one of
my BFF Tawny. We had a blast!
4. San Francisco - It was so much fun to visit here. Also one of my
favorite trips.

Four websites I visit daily:
1. - Gotta check that e-mail.
2. - Less trashy version of Myspace. It's true what they
say, it can be addicting.
3. - I have to get caught up on what's going on in the
4. msn gossip column - Is Britney really pregnant? Where are Brad and
Angelina now? This website answers these all important questions for me.

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Pizza - I'm always in the mood.
2. Mexican - Though it doesn't always do my digestive system well, it
always tastes good!
3. Sandwiches
4. Chinese

Four places I would rather be right now: I did this while at work so
naturally the answers are:
1. On vacation
2. Sleeping in my bed
3. Sleeping in class
4. Sleeping anywhere really

Four things I always carry with me.
1. Cell Phone - but a lot of the time it's on silent so I sometimes
don't answer
2. Chapstick
3. Hair elastic
4. Gum

Well the answer to the title is that I was obviously bored enough. And
hopefully you're just as bored and that is why you are reading this.


Tara said...

hey, i was obviously bored, looking up names on google and you have the same name as me!... any ways thats all, dont understand some of da stuff your talking about cuz im from australia and neva been to america. bye
tara davies

Sarah C. said...

You must update your blog immediately. I am!!!