Friday, July 28, 2006

I Know She Can Dance

I'm a little upset today. Actually, I'm really upset. Last night on SYTYCD, my favorite dancer was eliminated. Now, I wouldn't be so upset if Allison had actually deserved to be eliminated. But I think it is clear, and not only to me, that Allison was the best girl dancer, if not the best dancer period on the whole show. How America didn't see that is a mystery to me. Actually, I think most of America did see that. They just didn't vote becaue they figured that she would make it to the end and so they voted for those who they thought needed it more. Big fat mistake people! Vote for your favorite dancer and they will stay! It's not a hard concept to grasp. I voted over 400 times for Allison but it obviously didn't help. It seriously boggles my mind that people actually voted for Heidi, Natalie and friggin' Donyelle more than they voted for Allison. Hello people!! Donyelle sucks. She is not nearly as good as Allison. The only reason she has looked good up until now is because Benji was her partner. And Benji's so good he could make my dog look like she's a good dancer. What do I have to look forward to watching now? Natalie crying? Nope, seen that plenty of times before. Heidi's scandalous outfits? Nope, don't care to see that. Donyelle dancing at all? H to the no. Especially because it should be her A sitting in the audience watching and not Allison's. Allison was the only dancer I actually looked forward to watching, she was THAT good. If Benji or Travis don't win and it's one of those girls, I'm writing the show off for good.

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