Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

Although my life is not that exciting and I do not have 6 people to tag, since I am a taggee, I will complete my end of the deal.

Here are the rules: A: Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves. B: At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leave them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog for these rules.

1. I love television shows and I'm not embarrassed to say so! If you've read any past posts on this blog then you probably already know this. I can't help it, the television is my guilty pleasure. I love watching t.v. shows, mostly just good ones, and buying the dvd's and re-watching them later. Especially when there is no school to worry about because then I don't feel guilty!

2. I HATE being cold and wet and I absolutely hate being cold and wet at the same time. This is why when I go boating I'd rather tan on the boat then get in the water. This is why once the snow comes, my attendance to class goes way down (hey, I don't have to walk through the slush). This is why if I had the chance to move to a warm location every December 26th for a good 4 months, I would do it. This is why I think I will be living in a place that doesn't get much snow when I get older. Who in their right mind really likes the bottom of their pants all wet and gross anyway?

3. I love to travel. LOVE IT. I love everything about traveling except the unpacking part when you get home. If I could spend my life traveling, I would. It doesn't have to be to a very exciting place either. I could take a trip to Park City and be satisfied. But I love going somewhere new and seeing what that place has to offer, especially the food :). I love buying souvenirs and meeting new people. I love the airport and flying. I love living out of an overpacked suitcase and being okay with wearing wrinkled clothes. One day I'm afraid that I will travel some where and just not come home.

4. I have secret regrets and wishes. One is that I wish that I never quit playing soccer back in high school. I broke my leg and so quitting for one season was out of my control but ever since I graduated from high school, I've always regretted not playing my senior year. Don't get me wrong or anythying, I'm not Uncle Rico here. It was just something I really enjoyed and think I was pretty good at. Not to mention that the second I decided to not play anymore was the second my fitness did a 180 and my discipline went right with it! Another secret wish I have is that I kind of secretly want a tattoo! I know, disgusting and trashy. You don't have to tell me. Every time I see them on people, especially girls, I automatically think of how trashy it looks but I don't know why I have this desire! It would only be a small one on the back of my neck. Of course I would NEVER get one but I can't deny the fact that I kindof want one. :) Don't judge me. I think it's just a phase I'm going through anyway.

Another wish I have is that I wish I knew how to cook. I really can't cook to save my life. Although, I do love watching the Food Network, especially the Barefoot Contessa. I can't tell if watching the FN depresses me because it makes me feel like I'm a lost cause or if it inspires me. Hopefully this fact about me doesn't have a direct effect on my marital status in the future.

5. I stay up WAY too late for my own good. I honestly cannot remember the last time I went to bed before midnight. How sad is that? I never have a good reason to stay up past midnight either. I'm usually just watching HGTV or a rerun of The Hills. I'm tired ALL the time. I can't even keep my eyes open in class. I find myself drifting off at least once a day. All I have to do is just rest my head on my hands. It's not good. I almost talk myself into thinking that I might have mono or something. Unfortunately I think it's just due to the fact that my eyes won't shut before the clock strikes 12 a.m.

6. Last but not least, I'm a big sports fan. I like watching and I like playing sports. I've got a father and 3 brothers who are obsessed and so naturally, it's a hobby/interest I have taken on. My favorite sport to watch is football, followed closely by basketball. I love to play soccer and basketball as well although I don't do either very often anymore. This is something that will play into choosing a future spouse. I don't think I can marry someone who doesn't like sports. It just wouldn't work out between the two of us, I know it. Call me shallow if you want, but I don't think I'd be able to handle it if I were a better athlete or knew more about sports than my husband. Eww.

Well, there you have it. It was nice and long for you as well. I don't know if I will tag anyone because I only have a few options anyway but if you read this, and would like to participate, consider yourself tagged by me!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Thanks Tar... I loved reading about you!! :) You are ALOT more interesting than you think you are!! (and I mean that's a good thing!!) teehee. Love your blog!!