Tuesday, October 09, 2007

My New Obsession

I have a new T.V. obession. Sad, huh? But I can't help it! I am obsessed with HGTV. The entire channel. I could watch it all day and not even blink. Every night when I get into bed I turn on my tv and if it's not already on channel 45, I immediately turn it to that channel. I mean, here it is 12:30 at night and I'm just browsing aroung HGTV's website. I can be entertained by any show that comes on and I love it. It has made me want to re-do every room in my entire house. Either that or call up HGTV and get my parents on one of the many great shows. Rather than doing that though, I think I'll just have to settle for re-doing my own room and the downstairs bathroom. For now at least. There really is no reason for me to re-do my room since I don't plan on living in it for much longer but I just want to. So I'm going to. Don't ask me when I'm going to find the time to do these things because I honestly have no idea. But I will try. I've been looking at Ikea.com trying to find items that I think would look good but I've been pretty disappointed. I think I'm just going to have to make a trip up there and take a look myself. Luckily the parentals will be funding the bathroom project so that'll be nice. As soon as plans are set in stone I will post some pictures. I'll post some before (which will be completely disgusting) and after pictures. Hopefully all goes well. Thanks a lot HGTV!! We'll see if this ends up being a good or bad thing!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Tar! I love HGTV... teehee! You go girl! Just remember to post pics!! We want to see what you can do! Good luck!!