Monday, October 01, 2007

Something to look forward to...

I've been wanting to go to Europe for basically 15 years now(the first 6 years of my life I probably didn't care). The other night I finally decided that I need to do something about it. I'm 21 years old and I don't really see marriage anywhere in the near future so what better time than now to fulfill a life long dream? I mentioned the idea to my good friend Michelle and she got very excited. So we discussed some ideas of where we would go, when we would go, and how we would go about this trip. We decided that backpacking would be the best option. I have some friends who have done this so obviously we'll get some advice from them on what to bring, how to save money, etc. After talking about it last night, I'm just so excited! We've talked about doing things like this before but I really think that this time we will go through with it. What reason do we have not to? We decided we would go right after Spring semester ends which means that we will be in London when Wimbledon is going on! Another dream to fulfill! It would just be perfect. Right now who knows how long we'll be there for but that can be decided later on down the road. Places we mentioned going are London, Paris, and Rome, and I would like to go to Prague, Venice, and Florence.





I know it's still like 9 months away but that is actually quite ideal. It gives us time to save our money and make thorough plans. We'll be able to save quite a bit on the plane tickets because of other reasons so that's good. It would be fun if other friends could come, and anyone who wants to is clearly invited, but I think the friends who would be interested in coming will be married by that time and on awesome internships and what not. So it might just be Michelle and me. We shall see! At least it gives me something to look forward to because I've been feeling like I don't have anything to look forward to lately, which is a feeling I totally hate. I 'm super excited about it and will be very upset if it doesn't work out. I have faith that it will though. I'll definitely keep ya updated on the plans as they come!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Hey Tar! Okay... so your post below... I have always thought you had great taste! You, Kelli & your mom are always dressed in classic, and stylish clothes! ANd How EXCITING that you are going to fulfill your dreams!! Travel around the world! VERY exciting!! :) I still want to know where you got this cute background for your blog! ;)