Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Not tagged. Just bored.

Twenty years ago I...
1) was beginning a life-long friendship with McKensie Mulliner
2) was being spoiled by Wacko Grandma (being the first-born grandchild definitely has it's perks!)
3) was 1. I wasn't doing a lot.

Ten years ago I...
1) was getting over my 4 year crush on A.O. and continuing my 3 year crush on B.S.
2) was one of the taller girls in the 6th grade. Pretty sure that only lasted about 1 more year before everyone around me continued to grow while I stayed the same height.
3) was lusting after Bryon Russell and loving the Jazz just as much as I do today. Maybe even more since they were making to the Finals and all that good stuff.

Five years ago I...
1) was playing high school basketball. I know, weird to think I actually played sports at one time.
2) was not doing homework and sluffing school a lot...things haven't changed too much. :)
3) wore an ugly dress to my Junior Prom.

Three years ago I...
1) was dating a short guy who took my VL and wanted to marry me.
2) was at my second semester at BYU and not really loving it.
3) rekindled my love for the best show ever, Felicity.

One year ago I...
1) was living on a tropical island and having the time of my life.
2) didn't surprise anyone when I told them I was making out with a black guy. ;) Oh and he was my boyfriend.
3) was showcasing color-changing tee's to drunken, white-trash slobs.

So far this year I have...
1) traveled back to Key West and almost didn't return.
2) not cried once.
3) been very sleep deprived.

Yesterday I...
1) woke up at 4 to take Lou to the airport.
2) had a phone conversation with someone and can't recall one thing that was said. I don't even remember saying hello.
3) watched Memphis ruin my life by playing like they've never shot a free throw in their lives. WTF. I could've used that money, dang it!

Today I...
1) have been at work since what feels like the butt-crack of dawn...even though it was actually only 9.
2) ate a Double Cheeseburger from McDonald's that was pure luxury.
3) will go home and watch the Jazz beat on stupid New Orleans. Here's hoping anyway.

Tomorrow I will...
1) go to school, I guess.
2) probably watch American Idol.
3) take a test that I will have not studied for.

In the next year I will...
1) watch Andy Roddick play in one tennis match before I lose interest in him due to his recent engagement.
2) travel somewhere that is totally fab and get a killer tan.
3) find my EC at "Marriage Cove". HA! Kidding.


Kristine L. said...

1. That killer place that you are going to visit is going to be Chicago to visit me. duh. I will have a pool so it looks like all of those requirments are filled.

2. I can't wait to come back this summer to go to your wedding. Get excited. Your bachlorette party is going to be the bomb. That's right, the bomb.

3. I too could have used that money. They had the freaking championship in their tight grip and let it slip through their fingers in a matter of about 8 seconds.

4. Thanks for tagging me. Jerk!

The end.

Anonymous said...

Tara you are so freakin' cute! Stop being so hard on yourself- and you better get me a ticket if you go see Andy Roddick. I started tennis a couple years ago and I'm dying to see a professional match!

Holly said...

I agree with Stace, you are so freakin' cute! It's always fun to see what you are up to. :)

Amanda said...

TARA! I miss you and I always LOVE reading your blog, but I'm sad that your wonderful adventures at Glenwood didn't make it on ANY of your lists! p.s. Rock the Block tomorrow night?